Tank Water Temperature Monitoring Solution
Virtual Super provides tank water temperature monitoring solutions ensuring compliance and safety.
Virtual Super monitors and records water tank temperature 24/7, protecting against freezing conditions, alerting in the event of a freezing condition, providing compliance with NFPA 22 and NFPA 25.
See NYC Administrative Code Requirement , PANYNJ Requirement.
With Virtual Super, management does not have to bother with taking and recording readings, by providing alerts, record keeping, and remote access anywhere from a smartphone.
Through Virtual Super, it is easy to manage data for properties, whether a customer manages 1 property or 200 properties. Virtual Super also tailors access to information based on an individuals needs, as a building superintendent only needs to see his building’s information and a management team’s director of operations would need to see the entire portfolio.
Virtual Super hardware and software is all built in the United States, and the devices communicate over 900 MHz and Cellular networks, ensuring the highest levels of reliability and accuracy. Virtual Super sensors have a battery life of more than 8 years, and our AC powered gateway come equipped with a 24 hour battery backup in the case of a power outage. Virtual Super is an easy plug and play solution, requiring no setup by the user.

Tank Water High / Low Level Alarm System

The Virtual Super High / Low alarm system provides monitoring of the level of water in rooftop gravity tanks. Our system sets itself apart from other high / low water level alarms because our system measures the water level using a high precision ultrasonic measuring device, which wireless transmits the data wireless to the Virtual Super network. Unlike high / low alarm systems using a physical float device, our system does not have the issue of becoming water logged or jammed. Our system also has the additional benefit of not requiring extensive conduit between the water tank and the alarm panel, which offers a cost savings and convenience for quick installation.
This system offers compliance with code requirements for an alarm system composed of an audible alarm and light for high and low water level, in addition to sending alerts to building management via text and phone call. Like all Virtual Super devices, our system operates even when power outages occur and have a battery life of 8+ years.